Step 1:
Enter this detail into your woocommerce >>> settings >> advance >> webhooks >>
Delivery Url :
Topic : Order Created
Status : Active
Name : (any name Eg: testing or connecting google sheets)
and then save all the setting.
Step 2:
Go to google APIs.
Create service credentials .
You will get a service mail id and credentials.json save both of them.
Now create a empty Google Sheet.
Share that sheet with the service mail id you recieved just now.
Step 3:
Upload credentials.json file here.
And also Fill Sheet Id (Eg. '')
so your sheet id will be '1P0Q-KidR7asdfasdfaE3dWsPT8tV_nwmN84WyCbgP_Nc4YHA' from this above url.
Step 4: